Monday, April 7, 2008

Brand New

hey, he says, want to go to Perkins?
It is so late and I am a caged lion pacing the confines of my room.
i don't know i'm a little depressed I say, stuck.
He doesn't ask why just says
so are we, see you in five.

We go. There is snow on the ground dirty with grey ice,
the seats are cold, no words are spoken
as I climb into the back for a long drive to the middle of nowhere,
but we go,
coats bundled, breath harsh we are weighted
by this town and the thoughts we won't discuss
maybe not ever beneath these stars.

The wheels shear the pavement and cross white lines,
we are mute as music whispers from breaking speakers,
When we hit the edge of town, plunge into darkness,
the song begins to scream - we are thrown
rattled back and jolted up and we scream too,
mouths grim and bare.
The car flies and we are open, alone in the noise.

We go and leave the yellow lights behind.

The town is swallowed by midnight,
we are swallowed
by sound and the bass revving engine,
we could break down any second
but now we are singing straight ahead into the road
we are going
we are not gone.
We go,
and have left and are not the same.

Screaming fades to laughter, unpounded,
hands unclench and words begin.
We strain our eyes at deer-stained ditches
and soar, forgetful.
We will not hit the brakes but drive
as long as the cd plays,
hoping this time maybe it will not

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